Altar Servers
Altar Servers
Mr. Solomon Onemheghie
Altar Servers assist the Priests in celebration of the Mass, the center of our parish's worship of God. This ministry is open to all members of the parish in the fourth grade and older. Training and support is available to anyone who feels they are called to help the Priests to carry out Jesus' command to
"Do this in remembrance of me".

Ms. Janice Champ
The Bereavement Ministry provides hope for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. We endeavor to be a source of love, comfort, encouragement, and support as the bereaved journeys from mourning to joy.

Carol Jenkins

Merilyn Smith

Finance Council
Finance Council
Lola Walker

Food Pantry
Food Pantry
Food Pantry schedule is as follows Every 3 & 4th Tuesday 11 am - 1 pm for families and every 3rd & 4th Saturdays 9-11 am for singles. Food donations are needed to replenish the Food Pantry! The Food Pantry has experienced many new clients within the last few months. We need canned vegetables, cereal, soup, and peanut butter and jelly, or you can donate monetarily. An account has been established for our food pantry at the Community Food Bank where we are able to purchase food at a lower cost. Please make all checks payable to Community Food Bank of New Jersey, Attention: Sylvia Hall - Finance # 0100262; Mail to 31 Evans Terminal Rd., Hillside, NJ 07205. On the bottom of the check write: Blessed Sacrament St. Charles Pantry #0100262. Checks may also be given to Blanche Macklin or Mary Fussel.
Blanche Macklin

Holy Name Society
Holy Name Society
Harold Uche

Juanita Moore
The Homebound Support Ministry offers emotional support and encouragement to parishioners who are homebound through phone calls, home visitation, and written correspondence.

Pat Ross
The Hospitality Ministers welcome parishioners at Mass, help with seating and take up the collection. They also provide general assistance and information to those attending Mass. When necessary they provide aid to anyone becoming ill during Mass, distribute weekly bulletins, and most importantly, help people feel welcome and comfortable. Members usually serve at Mass on the weekends.

Mr. Fred Hill
The Lector's mission is to proclaim the Word of God at Mass and special liturgies. This ministry is open to any confirmed young adult or older. Assignments for weekend masses and other liturgies are made about twice a month on a rotational basis.

Liturgy Committee
Liturgy Committee
Ms. Merilyn Smith
The Liturgy Committee prepares the Liturgy for Masses, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas. The Committee coordinates with the worship ministries in preparing our liturgical; celebrations. They also plan and carry out the decoration of the worship environment in accordance with the liturgical seasons.

Music Ministry
Music Ministry
Mr. John Garner/Diane Scott
The Music Ministry enhances worship through song and is a vital component of our liturgical celebrations at Blessed Sacrament St. Charles Borromeo. The choirs are dedicated to leading the congregation in songs and responses of many different styles. Singing or playing an instrument is a great way to praise the Lord and a wonderful opportunity to worship in a special way. In addition to leading the worship each weekend, the Music Ministry also sings for special liturgies such as Confirmation, First Eucharist, and Holy Week Services. The Music Ministry also ministers during the Passion Play.

Parish Council
Parish Council
Lionel Leach
Kitchen Ministry
Kitchen Ministry
Yvonne Green
The Kitchen/Hospitality Ministry prepares fellowship meals after worship services and special occasions.
Mr. John Garner

Parish Special Events
Parish Events
Jackie Gilbert

Helen Brooks
The Bereavement Ministry provides hope for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. We endeavor to be a source of love, comfort, encouragement, and support as the bereaved journeys from mourning to joy.

Merilyn Smith.
Instruction classes are available for adults 18 and over who want to know more about the Catholic Church or want to be prepared for the sacraments. Classes start on October 21st. Please Contact Merilyn Smith.
Mr. John Garner

Wellness Ministry
Wellness Ministry
Marleyne Tronchin

Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Fr. Albert Nzeh
We are currently in need of Youth Advisors/Mentors Volunteers. If you are interested please contact the Parish Office.

Welcome Ministry
Welcome Ministry
The Welcome Ministry introduces new members to seasoned parishioners who willingly share our faith and our spiritual community.
Ms. Joan Lowery

Rosary Altar Society
Rosary Altar Society
The Rosarians continue to be a strong ministry, enriching the lives of our parishoners by their committment to providing activities which allow the Parish an opportunity to experience various cultural events. Their Annual retreat will be held on October 12th - 14th , for further information you may contact any Rosarian member.
Claire Dufrene

Media Ministry
Media Ministry
The "Sermons on CD" are available after each mass for your spiritual growth, and for evangelizing your neighbors, family, friends and the homebound. Also, the Bible Studies CDs are available in the bookstore.
Beverly Mitchell
Mr. John Garner

Mr. Homer Mosley
Mrs. Stephanie Williams

Van Service
Van Service
Kevin Ralph
Please call the Parish Office if you need a ride to Church on Sunday.